Thursday, April 11, 2013

Out of the Robox!!!

THE BEST THING IN YOUR LIFE IS HERE. Out of the Robox Films and gameplays is making its way to fame. Expect great things in the coming year as you can read about on our blog. Get ready for the best youtube channel of all time.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Check out SplatterApp at
Many great app reviews to come!

App reviews?

I've been thinking and i decided that I might make a blog about different apps and reviews on them. What do you think? Would this be a good second blog? Comment below!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


There is an iPhone/iPad app that I would highly recommend if you have one of the two devices. It's called paper and is a really great app for taking notes, and making diagrams; or just having fun with it by sketching, drawing,or painting. There is a video on the FiftyThree website that you can watch for some really cool ideas for you to use the app for. Within paper, you can create multiple journals for different things, days, or anything you like! There are also ways to customize the journals to your liking. Overall, this is definitely an app to get! Hope you enjoy it!